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QR-4Z Carbon and Sulfur Analyzer

Technical parameters:
1,Technical characteristics :
Use of electric arc furnace combustion sample gas volumetric method to measure carbon ,
iodimetry automatic titration flow , use of SCM control circuits , high- precision pressure
sensor and intelligent operating system , fully automatic operation to completely eliminate
human error , stable and reliable performance , strong interference. The test data is directly
displayed and printed.
2,Measurement range :
C: 0.01 ~ 9.90%
S: 0.003 ~ 2.00%
Test conditions can be adapted and the range can be expanded accordingly .
3,Measurement speed: 45 seconds ( not including sampling time )
4,Accuracy: meet China's latest GB GB223.69-1997 and GB223.68-1997 standards.

Main features:
1,MCU controls circuit automatic operation while using multi-level concealed isolation circuit.
Completely solves the elimination of human error frequency interference. Stable and reliable
performance , strong anti-jamming performance ;
2,Use of international advanced sensor technology and imported sensors. Digital direct reading
test results and automatic printing ;
3,Built-in data processor , high levels of results displayed directly , without having to reduce
multiple displays . Reduce errors caused by multiple translations;
4,High precision using electric arc furnace combustion. Legal capacity of carbon gases , iodine
statutory sulfur ;
5,ow noise , high sensitivity , high stability of the data acquisition system to ensure the
precision and accuracy of measurement ;
6,General Instrument Interface: easy to update ;
Can detect carbon and sulfur contents of carbon steel, alloy steel, stainless steel, raw cast iron,
ductile iron, cast iron alloys, magnetic materials, ores, petroleum coke and other materials.
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